(On the 8th June 2021, we posted an article titled “I am Thandi, and this is MY story”. Below is a letter received from Thandi. How wonderful to know that because of the generosity of our volunteers and donors, we were able to help a young girl on her path of life.)
Dear good people and supporters of St Kizito Children’s Programme
My Lord has blessed me beyond measure. My academic benefactor arranged for my grandmother, twins and me to move to her daughter’s guest house in another town. I write articles for all her social media pages and my grandmother runs the cooking and gardens. We live in a small cottage at the back. OMW, the joy of taps, light switches and an electric stove. We even have a washing machine.
My grandmother, my children and I got clothing, food and toiletries from all of you. My most treasured item is a medallion that I carry with me for protection. Aunty told me it was from a church member who contacted St Kizito Children’s Programme when she read my story.
I go to a cottage school and have enrolled in a writing and photographic workshop. It is safe here. I do often miss the singing in my old community, the smell of the food pots on the fire and even the wagging tongues.
I asked Aunty how I could ever say thank you to St Kizito Children’s Programme and all the good people for what they did. She told me that I had to go and enjoy being a teenager and to be the best version of me that I could possibly be.
So, here I am. It is me, Thandi, striving to be the best version of the Me I want to be. And, in doing so, I will pay homage to all the good people of St Kizito Children’s Programme who saw it in their hearts to help and not judge a young teenage Mom from the townships. Love from me, Thandi
Article submitted by Thandi (pseudonym)